February Newsletter: Legacy is Love


February 14th is Valentine’s Day. A day we remember that special ones we love. Spouses, children, friends can all be your Valentine. I recently met a man who loves his community and is expressing that with a legacy gift. He said to me, “The remainder of my estate will be divided  with 1/3rd to my son, 1/3 to my daughter and 1/3 to a fund at the Homer Foundation to keep supporting those non profits we support now.” Love in action.

This past year has helped a lot of people prioritize the ones they love. In this season many people are reviewing their estate plans. Whenever you review your plan, please consider doing what many others like this gentleman is doing and join our Legacy Society by making a bequest gift to the Homer Foundation. Many of your friends and neighbors have done this and tell us it is a way of paying back for all they have received from this beautiful place we get to call home. It is about giving back to our local communities.

Your gift can be narrowly focused to support a specific nonprofit or broad to support a cause you care about like youth, fighting hunger or the arts. Your legacy gift through the Homer Foundation is as unique as your  love  relationship with the community and will last forever.

Leaving a bequest gift is easier than you may think. If you’re interested in learning more about the ways to start your legacy, contact the Homer Foundation and we can provide you with the appropriate language to add to your estate documents. You can call me direct at 907-235-0551, email mikemiller@homerfoundation.org, or learn  more by clicking this link:  https://www.homerfoundation.org/homer-foundation-legacy-society/

Tell someone you love them. Don’t assume they know it.


2021 Scholarships

Are you a graduating high school senior or do you know a graduating high school senior? Now is the time to be applying for scholarships and we are happy to announce our 13 scholarship programs are now accepting applications. We have $29,500 to award in scholarships this year and can’t wait to see all the applications from our next generation moving forward. A reminder that we have a variety of scholarships with availability to students on the southern Kenai Peninsula, from Ninilchik south, including the communities across Kachemak Bay.

Recent Grants
Homer Council on the Arts

Their latest project is a professional development project for their Executive Director, Scott Bartlett, pictured here. He will be participating in the Executive Leadership Intensive, which is a 5 month program with the Foraker Group. This is an excellent opportunity for Executive Leadership in Alaska and we are happy to be investing in leadership skills for our community.

Friends of Kachemak Bay State Park

This organization maintains the trails available in Kachemak Bay State Park, mostly with volunteers and their own personal equipment or equipment that has been donated to the organization. They will receive support to purchase new tools for trail maintenance in the area. 

South Peninsula Behavioral Health Services

The grant, which was given on behalf of our Youth Advisory Committee, was used to purchase ice skate to be used for the ReAKtion Club. This group engages youth who experience emotional and behavioral difficulties in peer group activities, to build skills such as co-operation, teambuilding, peer relationship skills, coping skills, and healthy leisure skills, to name a few. 

Philanthropy Fact of the Month

Data show that women are more likely to give than men. In addition, they are likely to make larger donations than men.

Pay It Forward: Pier One Then and Now

When we arrived in Homer forty years ago, Peter was sure that he had left his theatrical opportunities behind. He was delighted to discover that he was wrong – despite the lack of a permanent home, Pier One Theatre was thriving! Our first winter here Peter acted in the production of Scrooge, while I played in the pit orchestra.

Most of the shows that Pier One produces are not musicals so, since I wasn’t excited by the idea of acting, I had to learn some new skills in order to participate in the shows. I became a prompter, a set builder, a stage manager, a lighting technician, a sound board operator, a props mistress, an assistant director, and ultimately, a director. Throughout all that our kids tagged along and learned to use a screw gun, a tape measure, a saw, a paint brush; to pull curtains, hang lights, create costumes, and learn lines.

More importantly we all learned problem solving and gained self-confidence. We learned the importance of working together, the joy of creating and the pride of success. We learned the importance of being inclusive and kind, that in a community project everyone contributes and all contributions are valid. That it is necessary to respect others’ opinions and to compromise to get the job done. We also learned that it is necessary to make a commitment if you want to participate, and that it is your responsibility to follow through and do the best that you can if you want the project to succeed.

I can think of few better communities in which to raise children or to experience more fulfillment as an individual.

In January of 2020, the Pier One Theatre Board of Directors took the unprecedented step of hiring a fulltime, paid Executive Director, Jennifer Norton. We were only able to take this momentous step because we had received a legacy in 2018 from Billi Joanne Kaho who had lived in Soldotna and participated in Pier One shows in the early 70’s. Her legacy, “she always had small parts” but obviously they were very meaningful to her.

The timing of this step could not have been better, as the pandemic has been very challenging for Pier One. Our home on the Spit is too small to safely house many performers, and we can only seat 10 socially-distanced people in the audience at a time. Our secondary home, the Mariner Theatre in Homer High School, has been unavailable since last March. Luckily, Jennifer has proven to be very creative in finding ways to keep the Pier One community engaged. We have collaborated with KBBI to present radio theatre, with Kenai Peninsula College to present Second Sunday Shakespeare virtually, and with the Pratt Museum to present outdoor theatre. With a grant from the Homer Foundation, we provided packets of theatrical projects for our youth theatre campers and the Alaska State Council on the Arts provided funding for an acting workshop. Most importantly, our local community has been incredibly supportive, and our Raven’s Club membership reached a new high in 2020.

For 2021 we intend to continue with radio theatre, outdoor theatre, and youth theatre efforts while exploring other possibilities.

Pier One Theatre, as conceived and implemented by Lance and Barb Petersen, has always been a community that welcomed everyone, no matter their age, or experience, or even natural talent – believing that a willingness to learn is sufficient.

With your support we will continue to do our best to provide the community of Homer the opportunity to participate and experience community theatre.

On with the show!

Laura Norton

Laura is on the Board of Directors for Pier One Theatre, in addition to all of her other roles with the organization. When she is not working on a production, she enjoys time with her family, including her grandchildren.

Pay it Forward: Lean In

This is our most recent article of the Pay It Forward column published monthly by the Homer News.

Recently, health educators from the REC Room joined my remote 7th grade health class to teach sexual health and substance misuse prevention. Suddenly, I found myself on the other side of Zoom, no longer the teacher trying to perform miracles through the camera. Instead, I was sitting at my desk like a student, staring blurry-eyed  into the screen.

Honestly, I was rather skeptical about the whole thing. My recent experiences teaching on Zoom had required me to reexamine every practice developed over my 20-year teaching career. I certainly didn’t hold out much hope that the REC Room educators, who are at best half my age, could successfully negotiate the complexities of remote teaching and effectively engage 7th graders in frank discussions about puberty and addiction across Zoom.

I shouldn’t have worried, and what I witnessed was transformative. Rather than seeing Zoom as an obstacle wedged between themselves and the students, Liz, Tyler, and Sierra saw an opportunity. They designed new lessons and  innovated new techniques. These vivacious and engaging health educators instantly captivated and excited my students.

One of the first things I noticed was that the teachers got right up close to their cameras. They leaned in to Zoom. Literally. Their faces filled my screen, their eyes dancing, and their smiles wide. When they leaned in, it seemed as though they were sitting right across from me. They used facial expressions and laughter to connect with the kids. They took time to connect with each individual, and the kids responded.

I rearranged my desktop as soon as the first class was over. No more hiding in the shadows, I pulled my computer closer to my chair, and I balanced a camera six inches closer to my face. Recognizing the importance of facial expressions, when that’s really all the kids can see of me, I began to smile wider and laugh more often. Now, when I’m on Zoom, I lean in, and my students respond.

All of this has me thinking about the folks in our community who have leaned in throughout this pandemic. Folks like the volunteers at the Homer and Anchor Point Food Pantries who immediately found creative ways to meet the increasing needs of local families, the trustees at the Homer Foundation who raised funds to help charitable organizations maintain operations, and the real-life angels at Share the Spirit who are determined now more than ever to bring holiday joy to our friends and neighbors.

I am inspired by people who adapt, people who seek solutions and find ways to help others. Homer has always had more than its fair share of these folks, and they’re usually volunteers. Years ago, it was volunteers who brought a new library to Homer when we’d outgrown the old one, and when the need arose, it was volunteers who built our new playground and erected an indoor recreation facility.

I hope that throughout the holiday season and the long winter months ahead Homer’s volunteer army will recognize that it’s time to lean in again. It’s time to set aside our personal and political opinions, our past practices, and old routines. It’s time to adapt, to seek solutions, to support one another.

What might it look like to “lean in” during a global pandemic? I’m honestly not sure, but I do know that hidden inside of every problem is an opportunity. We have an opportunity this winter to build a stronger, more resilient community, and our kids are counting on us to do so. It’s time for each one of us to lean in. 

Bonnie Jason

Bonnie Jason is looking forward to the day when 7th graders return to her classroom at Homer Middle School. She is a former trustee of the Homer Foundation.

December Newsletter

Update from Executive Director

A little December newsletter potpourri….

Thank you everyone who gave during the Match Campaign. We have raised the $25,000 to match our anonymous donors’ challenge. Because of them and donors like you we’re able to keep serving the community by administering the COVID Response Fund, our 15 Scholarships and our Quick Response Grants as well.

Thank you to everyone who attended our Annual Meeting webinar. For those of you who could not attend the webinar a recording of the meeting is posted on our website. We made a few tweaks to the report format presenting information with what we hope is a better flow. The report still contains stories about what we accomplished last year and data about last year’s performance. You can find a copy of this report here.

Whatever you may be celebrating this year, remember our community nonprofits in your end of year giving. Economic studies have proven over and over that when money is circulated locally your dollars have a multiplying effect. Just like when you shop local, a local donation stays local.  Your gift to a non profit in our area helps someone in our area.  So, this year we’re asking you to multiply your gift in the community by giving close to home.

If you’re not sure where your gift can do the most good, please consider a gift the Homer Foundation Opportunity Fund that meets needs all across the region.



P.S. Did you know that under the CARES Act, part of the federal government’s pandemic relief program that passed in March, individual taxpayers can take a deduction of up to $300 donations made in 2020 to a 501©(3)  non-profit when they file their tax return in the spring?  Don’t miss this one-time opportunity to give to your community and deduct the gift on your taxes.

People’s Choice Awards

Congratulations to the following organizations!

  • Haven House- nominated by Adele Person, for providing essential services to victims of domestic abuse
  • Friends of the Homer Public Library- nominated by Duffy Clarke, for supporting literacy programs
  • Homer Community Food Pantry- nominated by Jennifer Gibbins, for supporting teens experiencing homelessness

This program takes place at our annual meeting and everyone who attends the meeting is entered into a drawing for a chance to nominate their favorite local nonprofit organization for a $500 award. This year we were glad to make this program still happen during our virtual meeting and are excited to support each of these organizations!

Amazon Smile

We are a registered organization with Amazon Smile, where we receive a portion of all eligible purchases from people who choose the Homer Foundation when shopping with Amazon. If you are shopping online this season, choose for some of your purchase to support local organizations and causes through the Homer Foundation. 

If you need help setting this up on your account, you can find directions here.

Recent Grants
Homer Head Start

This organization needed new chairs in response to the increase in needs for sanitation. They are set to receive new one-piece Woodcrest chairs which are ergonomic and easy to clean.

American Cancer Society

This grant from our COVID Response Fund and will be used locally to support the 30 residents requesting services. Examples of these services include complimentary accommodations for patient travel out of state for treatment, breast cancer patient support with phone matching to survivors, and helpline for patients and caregivers.

West Homer Elementary

The grant will be used to purchase SMARTboards for all the 5th and 6th grade classrooms. The need for technology has greatly increased due to COVID-19 and our grants are supporting these needs. 

Philanthropy Fact of the Month

Americans gave over $427 billion in 2018.

Pay It Forward: Pandemic Thoughts

Last summer, while standing on the boardwalk on the Spit, an acquaintance walked by. Without a word, she handed me something flat and plastic.

I stood for a minute watching her back as she continued on her way. I held the small object in my hand and read, “Hug Raincheck, (good for as many you need. No expiration date).” Emotions welled inside as I realized how much I missed a hug in this pandemic 2020. With family around me, we chose masks, distancing, and not to hug in order to stay healthy. As social mammals, we touch. We kiss. We caress. We hug. It’s part of our DNA.

Everyone feels this deprivation of contact. Covid-19 weighs on us with little end in sight. Numbers of cases continue to spike during winter months when people spend less time outside. The world and Homer, at the end of the road, are in a community/global health crisis.

When the pandemic forced Homer and Alaska to lock down early this year, Ravn Air went bankrupt and a quiet came over this town akin to September 11 when nationwide all flights were grounded. Afraid to be in large crowds, some in a risky age, we stayed home. Family and friends brought groceries and mail. School and meetings became virtual as we met on computers and society functioned virtually!

Our beautiful location didn’t change. Our lifestyle withdrew into our homes. Blessed with trails, skiing, hiking, and beautiful Kachemak Bay, Homer managed admirably. South Peninsula Hospital shut its doors to visitors and began testing in earnest. We flattened the curve, the fishing and tourist season opened as well as a few take out eateries. We relaxed. Each Thursday morning, KBBI interviewed employees from public health, the hospital, the city, and KPBSD to keep us informed. It worked. Numbers stayed low throughout the fishing and tourist season.

Come fall, schools opened in Homer knowing that could change. An at home football game changed the progress made. The virus resurfaced with gusto. Schools closed. Large gatherings stopped. We watch and listen in hopes of maintaining our low numbers while a vaccine research continues. Governor Dunleavy announced the virus condition in Alaska an emergency last week!

Working in my garden this past summer, thoughts turned to healing. How can we heal after this virus or during this virus raging?

How can we turn this experience into a “Pay It Forward?” Free hospital testing available, Homer City and Alaska grants in addition to business accommodations have kept us going. We successfully voted in the middle of a pandemic! We’ve learned. We’re learning how to navigate life in a totally new manner for all of us. We recognize how fortunate we are to live at the end of the road. Bravo to what we’ve accomplished!

This virus has wounded families, businesses, government, society as a whole. In our wounded condition, we can be healers for one another. Changed by this virus, we can use our imaginations to see ourselves whole and our country functioning again no different than athletes use imagination in training. We can listen to each other, enter into each other’s loneliness and pain and acknowledge how difficult life has become due to an invisible virus.

In our common humanity, we are all wounded healers. Going forward we must be vigilant. Patience and understanding are essential to “Pay It Forward” as we experience Covid-19 fatigue. Masks, distancing and small gatherings are our only tools at this writing. We can offer a hug raincheck to each other knowing we are all suffering, wounded healers.

Flo Larson

Homer Foundation, trustee

This article was published in the Homer News as part of a our monthly Pay It Forward column, sponsored by the Homer Foundation, a community foundation promoting local philanthropy since 1991. To learn more please visit us @ www.homerfoundation.org and like us on Facebook.

November 2020 Newsletter

Update from the Executive Director

Being thankful.

November is the month we often talk about being thankful. Who am I to break with tradition? I’m thankful for our donors and I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you. I’ve asked a number of you” Why did you get involved with a community foundation?”  I can say that there are as many reasons as there are donors. Some common reasons include:

  • “I want to know my donation is doing good in the community. The Foundation investigates and gives grants where the need exists.”
  • “The Foundation is important. Not a day goes by when someone in the area is not effected by the Foundation. I want to be part of that.”
  • “I want my donation to be a lasting gift.”

In this day of email, text messages and the “crisis of the moment” news cycle we remember a community foundation is about a long term impact. An endowed fund is managed with the goal of doing good in perpetuity. Even if the program or agency ceases to exist, the Foundation will find another agency doing similar work to continue supporting our community. 

I’m also thankful for those farsighted, community minded leaders who, 29 years ago, decided they had a long term view of the future. We build on the foundation of those generations before us. Because of their vision, coupled with the generosity of the community, we are as our mission states, “enhancing the quality of life for people” here close to home. 

Thank you for partnering with us.



Annual Meeting

We look forward to seeing you all on:

Wednesday, November 18th, 2020

6:00 pm

This will be a virtual meeting on the Zoom platform. Come to our annual meeting where review our investment portfolio, hear grant reports, donor and grantee highlights, and a chance to nominate your favorite nonprofit for one of three $500 People’s Choice Awards! Click on the Register Button to get the link for the webinar. Don’t miss your chance at winning $500 for your favorite local non-profit. 

New Fund

Congratulations to our most recent donor for starting their own named donor advised fund, the Julie Booth Ulmer Memorial Fund. This fund was started by Cathie Ulmer in honor of her daughter who died as an infant. The fund will provide funding to organizations and programs helping young people (generally 23 years old or younger) in need who have shown determination to better themselves and their situation. Welcome to our family of Funds!

Community Chest Grant

We are proud to partner with the City of Homer for their generous CARES Act grant to benefit the Homer Foundation’s Community Chest Fund. Through our community partner, the Homer Community Food Pantry, the Foundation’s Homer Community Chest Fund provides emergency funding to support families and individuals in times of need. The Homer Community Food Pantry is our point of contact for emergency aid. They have a program called the Emergency Non-Food Aid in which candidates are interviewed and the staff at the food pantry determine the needs for families.

Thank you City of Homer for supporting this vital service to our community. 

Recent Grants

Kachemak Heritage Land Trust

Inspired by the chaos of the COVID-19 pandemic, the organization is looking to develop a comprehensive plan to prepare for future disasters as well as to enhance their response to the current pandemic. 

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Homer

This grant is going to support the creation of COVID-safe activity kits to support virtual activities for the 13 matches of Bigs and Littles in the Homer area.

Homer Flex School

The grant to Homer Flex School will be used to purchase supplies for their art and social studies programs to enrich the programs available to these at-risk students. 

Philanthropy Fact of the Month

 Did you know that 77 million Americans, or 30% of the adult population volunteer with non-profit organizations?

Homer Foundation 2020 Annual Meeting

This was a virtual webinar on the Zoom platform. Thank you to everyone who attended. We do have a recording below, and due to some technical difficulties, is missing the first 5 minutes of the meeting.

October 2020 Newsletter

Update from the Executive Director

What is your dream?

I was making a video to send my oldest granddaughter explaining what her grandfather does all day (yes, I’m the grandfather of 7 wonderful little people). I could have explained that we help people give in a long term way, or that we invest donations wisely to ensure that important causes and needs are met forever. Those things are true, but a little less understandable to a ten year old than I was hoping for. Here what I said instead: “In a small way, we make people’s dreams come true.”

It may sound somewhat simplistic, but it is true. For example:

  • For students who dream of going to college, we help make that dream come true with scholarships
  • Community non profits have a dream of feeding the hungry, providing health services, protecting the environment, promoting the arts (or one of the many other missions) we fund those activities, and
  • Donors have a dream of giving back to the community in a more meaningful way, or establishing a forever memorial in honor of a lost loved one. We  work with those donors to start a  fund that provides a lasting gift .

There are of course a lot of complex parts to making those dreams come true, but when we see that donor who now knows what they love will be supported forever, or that student head off to the next phase of their life, it’s all worth it. 

Yeah, grandpa has a good job. Let’s dream together.



Match Campaign

We were gifted $25,000 for a matching gift to fund operations. With this amazing gift the donors challenged us to raise a matching $25,000 from the community because the donor cares about the mission of the Homer Foundation and wants to ensure we are here long into the future. Through this campaign, the impact of every donations for operations is doubled up to $25,000. 

Please consider helping us reach our goal through a donation today. You can make that donation here:

You may also donate by: 

  • Mail- PO Box 2600, Homer, AK 99603
  • Contact the staff at info@homerfoundation.org or 907-235-0541
  • Fill out our pledge form here to commit to pay at a later time.

We want to thank you very much for your support!

Annual Meeting

We have set the date of our annual meeting!

Wednesday, November 18th, 2020

6:00 pm

This will be a virtual meeting on the Zoom platform. Come to our annual meeting where review our investment portfolio, hear grant reports, donor and grantee highlights, and a chance to nominate your favorite nonprofit for one of three $500 People’s Choice Awards! More details will come in a future email.

Recent COVID-19 Response Grants
Homer High School: Intensive Needs Program

The COVID-19 pandemic hit the Intensive Needs students especially hard; with the use of cloth face coverings and social distancing, these students lost almost all of their social interactions and daily living skills in the community, not to mention most of the students have medically compromised health. This program asked for humanity shields of their staff and students. These shields will allow the students to see facial expressions as well as the staff to clearly communicate.

Anchor Point Food Pantry

Their weekly clientele has more than tripled since the Covid-19 began. They are going through massive amounts of food for  dinners and to provide some of the staples. Presently, they have about 300 households on our list, and over 100 other households that receive delivery services. They feel that if there is a need — they must fill it, if it is possible. The Anchor Point Food Pantry will buy food and supplies for making dinners; and supply each household with a small bag (appropriate for its size) of food items to assist them through the week.

Social Media

Do you want to be sure you keep up with all of the Homer Foundation news, including weekly updates on our grants, funds, and community? Then be sure to like and follow us on Facebook or Instagram today!


Pay It Forward: Educational Opportunities

October 2020

By Paula J.S. Martin,

I spent much of my life working in universities and colleges. I was honored to help educate a few generations of college students. I almost didn’t have that opportunity.

No one in my family was a college graduate. My mother worked hard to raise three kids as a single parent, due to being first widowed and then divorced from her second husband. Separation and divorce were rare back in 1964, and her path with three kids all under the age of eight was tough. She managed, but there was no extra money to help me with college tuition.

I had dreamed of becoming a college professor since I was in third grade, when I helped a neighbor kid figure out her homework—it was such a blast helping someone and seeing their understanding light up. I knew I needed to go to college to fulfill that dream.

Through working in summer jobs and part-time jobs, I had been able to save a few thousand dollars. In 1976 that, combined with continuing to work part-time throughout the school year including one year at a local factory, was just about enough to pay for tuition, room and board at a public university. It wasn’t easy but it was doable. Private colleges were out of reach. Those state-supported universities made all the difference for me, giving me access to my dream.

Today, tuition, room and board at those public state, four-year schools average well over $25,000 a year for state residents. Add in about $9,000 more to go to a public state university as an out-of-state resident. Those numbers double for private colleges. There are many reasons for this enormous increase in cost of universities: reduced state subsidies of universities, increased costs of personnel, more requirements of regulation, and larger numbers of student services. From the perspective of the student looking to enter, the reasons for the cost matters less than the barrier they represent. The wages of summer or part-time work did not keep up with the cost of going to college.

It is the rare student today that could pay that price for fulltime attendance without going into debt. In 2019, four-year, public university graduates averaged $29,900 in debt at graduation.

I speak with many people my age who recognize that they were lucky to have college opportunities, opportunities that are not available today without significant debt or family financial sacrifice.

Knowing the value those universities gave to me, and the hurdles of finances for students, throughout my career I was pleased to give a percentage of my income to the university to support financially hampered students. Each year my alma matter receives a check from me to help out the latest generation of students trying to figure out a way to pay for their education. One of the reasons I was happy to take on Board membership with the Homer Foundation is due to its significant scholarship programs. Many people in our community have donated to provide financial support for students in our region to help them fulfill their dreams that require higher education. Paying it forward makes such a difference, for today and for the future.

Sponsored by the Homer Foundation, a community foundation promoting local philanthropy since 1991. To learn more please visit us @ www.homerfoundation.org and like us on Facebook.

Paula Martin joined the Homer Foundation board in May of 2019. Paula lived in Homer since 2007, but has been working at various universities as faculty or administrator since 2007. Her husband has worked in Homer, they plan on living here far into the future. She has also started a consulting company that has already proved a strong resource of the non-profits in the greater Homer area. Paula has a love for science education, aquatic insects, fly fishing, and travel.

September 2020 Newsletter

Update from the Executive Director

The fireweed is turning fluffy, we had a little frost on the truck this morning and the silvers are in the Anchor River (well a few at least). Fall is here. It’s that way with life. It’s a beautiful summer and then you realize the sun is setting earlier everyday.

While that may sound a little melancholy, I’m actually very excited for the future. I want to thank Lindsey Wolter who helped us with our first webinar on bequest giving. She did a great job working through the various options. Having her there with all of you made it a success. It was great to see everyone’s interest in leaving legacy in the community.  A bequest gift is a wonderful way to keep impacting the things you cared about in life. If you’re thinking about your estate documents, we have sample language your legal or financial advisor can include in your estate documents. You can find that language here.

Sincerely, Mike


We’re changing the format of our newsletter. It will be more frequent (monthly) but shorter. We hope connecting more frequently will strengthen our connections in this season of greater separation.

Our COVID-19 Response

On March 25, 2020 the Board of Trustees created a new fund for the Homer Foundation in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This fund is being used to support our local non-profits and the vital services they provide. This fund allows for flexibility for the agencies to apply as needed and for the Foundation to meet changing community needs. Right now, the focus for non-profits applying should be addressing basic needs including human services and emergency assistance or serving vulnerable populations. Here is a list of agencies who have received at least one grant from this fund:

  • Anchor Point Senior Center, $4,200
  • Homer Senior Center, $4,750
  • Anchor Point Community Food Pantry, $7,000
  • South Peninsula Haven House, $2,500
  • Homer Farmers Market, $2,500
  • Cook Inlet Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, $2,500
  • Homer Community Food Pantry, $2,850
  • Voznesenka Community Council, $2,500
  • Hospice of Homer, $799
  • Kachemak Bay Family Planning Clinic, $2,500
  • Ninilchik Senior Center, $1,500
  • Ninilchik Community Library, $2,500
  • Alaska Coalition for Veterans and Military Families, $500
  • Homer High School, $2,500 

If you would like more information about the COVID-19 fund, you can go to our webpage here. 

Annual Report

Our year begins anew each July 1st, which means we are busily preparing our annual report, set to release at our Annual Meeting in November. This report is our most comprehensive outreach, including stories of impact from grant recipients and a list of all of our grant and scholarship recipients, updates from our committees, a financial review, and full list of our donors. If you would like to receive a copy of this report, contact the staff by replying to this email or calling us at 235-0541 to be added to our mailing list. 

August Quick Response Community Grants

Hospice of Homer has received funds to purchase new equipment such as ramps and wheelchair batteries. These will help them be able to expand their delivery options of their loaner medical equipment.

SPROUT has redesigned their IT Infrastructure to be able to accommodate working remotely as well as in person. This will serve them well into the future as well as now when they are preparing their fall programming. 

Homer Council on the Arts is preparing a new program, Art from the Heart. This program will work with school aged participants and pair them with elderly community members in a collaborative, innovative art project in the times of COVID-19.

Thank you Pick.Click.Give. Donors

Thank you to the 57 Alaskans who donated to the Homer Foundation through Pick.Click.Give. Because of your donations, we are able to support more non-profits in our community who are doing good close to home.

If you would like to join this group of donors, add the Homer Foundation to your charitable contribution through the Pick.Click.Give when applying for your PFD next year!

How you can help…
  • Make a donation today!
  • Commit to making that a monthly donation
  • Increase your annual gift
  • Donate as a business partner
  • Talk to your family about naming the Homer Foundation as a beneficiary through revocable planned giving.
  • Ask your employer to become a business partner.
  • Talk to your friends about why you give and encourage them to do the same

Social Media

Do you want to be sure you keep up with all of the Homer Foundation news, including weekly updates on our grants, funds, and community? Then be sure to like and follow us on Facebook or Instagram today!