October 2021 Newsletter: Facilitating Community Projects

Update from the Executive Director

No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.

H.E. Luccock

One of the many benefits of being an independent community foundation is the agility and flexibility to react to community needs. One of the ways we do that is through facilitating and supporting community projects. Over the years, we have facilitated several improvement projects. In the past, those projects have included Karen Hornaday Park Playground and the Boat House Pavilion. This past year we have facilitated the Homer Stake Park Revitalization Project and the Kachemak City Play Ground Repair Project.

At the Homer Foundation, “facilitate” means providing fiscal sponsorship to the project. We provide a charitable framework that allows a motivated, capable group of citizens to raise money for a project that betters the community.

Why would we do this? Several reasons. When we take on a fiscal sponsorship, we help more people engage in “philanthropy.” Those people and businesses get to enjoy being part of helping their neighbors and get to have that feeling that comes from actively enhancing the lives of others in their community. We save community resources by avoiding the cost of starting a nonprofit just to be eligible for grants and tax deductions for project donations. Last, with scores of people involved, we can accomplish more for our community.

That is the essence of a community foundation. Individual community members and businesses pooling their philanthropy to create a better, brighter tomorrow, not just for themselves and their children, but also for their children’s children. The Homer Foundation is the region’s “close to home” place to give back and invest in the the southern Kenai Peninsula.

Preview of our Annual Report

This last fiscal year meant the following things happened from the Homer Foundation:

  • $279,810 distributed in grants and scholarships
  • 87 Quick Response Grants Awarded
  • 7 COVID-19 Response Grants Awarded
  • 23 scholarships awarded
  • 389 total donors
  • 45 nonprofits supported through grants
  • $31,500 awarded through City of Homer Grants Program

We love supporting, growing, and responding to our community needs. If you are interested in joining us with our mission of improving the quality of lives within the southern Kenai Peninsula through charitable and philanthropic activities, we invite you to give where you live and donate today.

Annual Reports

We are preparing our annual reports. These are our review of the last year, and this year we have a bonus focus on our last 30 years, celebrating our 30th anniversary. 

This 30 page report booklet is mailed to all of our donors, grant and scholarship recipients, and other individuals within our community. It is premiered at our annual meeting in November, shared by hardcopy and available on our website.

If you would like to join the list to receive a hard copy of the annual repot, email Lauren at assistant@homerfoundation.org.

Recent Grants

You have helped make a difference in your community! See how your support has impacted the world around you:

Pratt Museum

The Pratt Museum is working on their next exhibit and it is honoring one of our former board members, artist and outstanding community member, Ron Senugetuk. They are receiving a grant to bring Ron’s artwork from all over the state to be displayed this fall, focusing on his impact and highlighting Alaskan Native culture. (photo credit NPS/Carol Harding) 

Storyknife Writers Retreat

This lovely Homer area facility is a state and national resource for women writers. They are experiencing growing pains, by way of security systems. This grant will go to purchasing cameras and floodlights for the cabins at the retreat so the facility can work on supporting writers and not fixing problems caused by vandalism. 

Philanthropy Fact of the Month

Americans gave $471.44 billion in 2020. This reflects a 5.1% increase from 2019.