March 2021 Newsletter: One Year Later

Update from Executive Director

One Year Later

“In like a lion, out like a lamb” is how we like to think of March. Change and transition. Last March we were just beginning to grapple with the idea of a global pandemic. Communities were realizing the most vulnerable would need help and planning for how segments of the economy would be impacted. We also began to “social distance’ with fewer and smaller `gatherings. We started more virtual interaction, curbside shopping, and more focus on the safety in our “family bubble.” 

Thinking about the past year, I could talk about the money that was raised and distributed both by us and by others, (for which are truly humbled and grateful)  but the impacts are deeper than that.  My takeaways of the last 12 months? First, we can and will help each other when the need is there. Support systems like non-profits, foundations, churches, individuals and policy makers mobilized all sorts of needed help. Neighbors helping neighbors. People gave resources and time to help those in need.  Second, there is a fine line between being socially distanced and socially isolated. We have an innate need to connect with others regularly, in person. I’ve heard many people, who do not consider themselves overly social (myself included), comment that they look forward to visiting more. We need each other. 

Something important to remember is, with or without a pandemic, those needs are always there – whether they involve basic necessities, things which enrich our lives or just being there for each other. These are all places philanthropy makes difference. As  the Homer Foundation tagline says, “Connecting generosity to community need”. 

Thanks for being a part of that.


Welcome our First Non-endowed Fund!

Kachemak Nordic Ski Club

We want to welcome the Kachemak Nordic Ski Club (KNSC), who recently started an Agency Stewardship Fund. KNSC’s mission is to “promote Nordic skiing in the Kachemak Bay area.”  An agency stewardship fund is a non-endowed, agency specific fund. That means KNSC will have access to the entire fund if and when the time is right for them. Meanwhile, they will earn a much better return than in a bank account, money market or CD. Likewise, they don’t have to manage an investment portfolio because all Homer Foundation funds are professionally managed in Vanguard Institutional Investments.

Non-endowed funds are not just for agencies. Donor advised, field of interest and scholarship funds can all be structured as non endowed funds. 

If you want to learn more about Homer Foundation non-endowed fund options, please email or call the office @ 907-235-0551. You can also visit our website

Recent Grants

You have helped make a difference in your community! See how your support has impacted the world around you:

Homer Seed Library

The Homer Seed Library (a program under the Homer Soil & Water Conservation District), hosted at the Homer Public Library, will be a free community resource for local growers, thereby contributing to the community’s local food supply and conservation and sustainable use of soil and water-related resources. The idea behind a seed library is that people in the community can “borrow” seeds, grow the plants, and then save some of the seeds to return to the library. Over time, people will return more than they borrowed and the seed library will grow. The Homer Foundation is proud to be among the first funders for this exciting new project. 

Big News at the Foundation

Welcome Nora June Seaton

Congratulations to our Executive Assistant, Lauren Seaton and her husband Rand on the birth of their first baby, Nora June on 2/28/21, 7lbs 11oz.  What a precious gift!

Philanthropy Fact of the Month

89% of American households contribute to nonprofits or religious institutions.