Recent Grants
You helped make a difference in your community! See how your support has impacted the world around you:

Homer Flex School
Given the small nature of this alternative program and limited staff expertise, they are restricted in the number of opportunities to offer students that promote personal artistic expression. For this reason, and because they recognize the importance of providing a diversity of art experiences throughout the school year, they have historically partnered with the Bunnell Street Arts Center to offer an annual Artist in the School residency. These often introduce students to new / unfamiliar mediums and allow them to create in ways that they haven’t before. This grant will support the Artists-in-Residence with Art Koeninger this school year.

Homer Council on the Arts
Homer Council on the Arts has been awarded $1,000 from our Donor Advised Fund, the Cottonwood Fund, for the Dancing through Wonderland project with Breezy Berryman.

YAC Grant Wrap-Up
The Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) is an award-winning youth-to-youth philanthropy program of the Homer Foundation, and has successfully completed its second year partnering with Homer High School. Homer High School leadership and staff were very supportive of this program in their space and participants not only learned about how philanthropy addresses communities, but they also earned community service hours for participating.
Funding for this year’s YAC grants equaled last year’s all-time high of $10,000. Those funds come from a combination of the Foundation’s Opportunity Fund, other existing endowed Foundation funds, such as the Ashley Logan Fund, the Sheldon Youth to Youth Fund, the David and Mary Schroer Fund, and donors who have a passion about developing a philanthropic mind set in young people. We are deeply thankful to those donors who make the YAC grants possible.
The YAC has a strong youth voice philosophy and determines its own program goals for each grant cycle. The group decided the biggest needs in our community were for enrichment, skill-based, or active opportunities for area youth, with an additional focus on ages 10-14. When reviewing the applications, the students also reflected upon the importance of trail maintenance in the area.
This year the following awards were recommended by the YAC:
• Homer Council on the Arts – $2,000 for Fold Arts Music Camp 2023
• Homer Trails Alliance – $2,000 for trail maintenance on Rogers Loop Trail system
• Homer Wilderness Leaders (HoWL) – $600 for adaptive climbing equipment
• Kachemak Heritage Land Trust – $2,600 for trail cameras and maintenance
• Kachemak Ski Club (Homer Rope Tow) – $2,000 for the Improved Skier Experience Project
• Ninilchik Saturday Lunch Program – $800 for new kitchen appliances and sewing equipment
Total – $10,000
Thanks to the 2023 YAC members : Lliam Boss-Harmon, Ainsley Boss-Harmon, Eryn Field, Emma Early, and Mackenzie Hansen. A special thank you to staff member, Mrs. Sarah Boss and the HHS leadership team. We look forward to more youth philanthropy at Homer High School!

City of Homer Grants Now Available
The City of Homer Grant program is now open and accepting applications until February 24th, 2023!
This program is made possible through an annual allocation from the City of Homer and annual earnings from the City of Homer endowment funds. Criteria have been established taking into consideration the City of Homer’s intent to support locally based non-profit organizations that provide services within the City of Homer.
This funding is for general operating support for organizations who provide programs and services that enhance life for the residents of the City of Homer.
This year, $34,000 is available in this competitive grants process.
If your non-profit is interested in funding, you may apply by clicking here.

We are thrilled to welcome two new members to the Legacy Society this month! The complete list of members can be found by clicking this link.
Are you interested in helping the Homer Foundation build strong, resilient communities on the southern Kenai Peninsula? A simple, flexible, and versatile way is through a gift in your estate plans, known as a charitable bequest or planned giving. Creating a philanthropic legacy does not require large income or a vast estate. All that’s required is the thoughtful intention to make a difference for generations to come. When you join the Homer Foundation Legacy Society, you become part of a community of like-minded individuals continuing the tradition of investing in the future.
Through a bequest you may direct your support to one, or many different causes that you care about in our community, ensuring that we can continue to build resilient, vital communities on the southern Kenai Peninsula for years to come.
We welcome the opportunity to work with you and your professional advisor to evaluate the giving options that help preserve your values, meet your family’s needs and address your tax considerations. Your gift can be a catalyst for change and an inspiration to others. Contact the Homer Foundation to become a Legacy Society member today.

Update From the Executive Director
We want to extend a big thank you to all those who gave at the end of 2022. Our donors raised over $40,000 for our Opportunity Fund and over $88,000 for other designated funds. We also say a special thank you to our match donors who provided leadership gifts to help make this a reality. What a great community we have.
New Year’s resolutions are a nice way of saying, “This year I want to be better.” The truth is that great things don’t normally just happen. More often than not, success takes intentionality, planning and dedication. If one of your goals this year is to make a difference in your community, here are some steps to help make you a better philanthropist:
- Discuss your overall philanthropic goals with your family members and legal or tax advisors.
- Decide how much you can afford to give and which assets you would like to give.
- Determine the causes/organizations that will use your donations to meet the goals you support.
- Meet with us to discuss your plan. Ask questions, explore the different options available to you and review the documents needed to implement your plan.
- Share the documents with your family and your professional advisors.
- Transfer your gift to us, or consider setting up a future gift through your estate.
- Stay connected and watch how your gift makes a difference.
Have a great 2023!