Are you interested in helping the Homer Foundation build strong, resilient communities on the southern Kenai Peninsula? A simple, flexible and versatile way is through a gift in your estate plans, known as a charitable bequest or planned giving. Creating a philanthropic legacy does not require large income or a vast estate. All that’s required is the thoughtful intention to make a difference for generations to come. When you join the Homer Foundation Legacy Society you become part of a community of like-minded individuals continuing the tradition of investing in the future.
Through a bequest you may direct your support to one, or many different causes that you care about in our community, ensuring that we can continue to build resilient, vital communities on the southern Kenai Peninsula for years to come.
We welcome the opportunity to work with you and your professional advisor to evaluate the giving options that help preserve your values, meet your family’s needs and address your tax considerations. Your gift can be a catalyst for change and an inspiration to others. Contact the Homer Foundation to become a Legacy Society member today.
Legacy Society Members
- Anonymous
- Martha Briscoe
- Richard & Marylou Burton
- Ken Castner & Nancy Lord
- Lisa Climo & Michael Mungoven
- Christa Collier
- The Clyfus Family
- Donna Rae Faulkner & Don McNamara
- Will Files & Martha Ellen Anderson
- Kim Fine & Max Mitchell
- Janet Fink
- Bill & Dorothy Fry
- Kathy & Roger Herrnsteen
- Kathy Hill
- Jim Hornaday
- Cameale Johnson
- Tom Kizzia
- Jan Knutson & Ed Hutchinson
- Marcia Kuszmaul & Mannfried Funk
- Flo Larson
- Jim & Ruth Lavrakas
- Jack Lentfer
- Paula & Joe Martin
- Jo & Peter Michalski
- Phil Morris
- John & Rika Mouw
- John Munns
- Michael and Martha Murray
- Daniel Perry
- Denise & Gordon Pitzman
- Peggy Price & Kathy Franz
- Robert & Melon Purcell
- Gail & Lawrence Radcliffe
- Joyce Robinette
- Mark Robinson & Nancy Lander
- Paul & Tina Seaton
- Rand & Lauren Seaton
- Dave & Beth Schroer
- Terri Spigelmyer
- Joy Steward & Stu Schmutzler
- Jenny Stroyeck & Michael Armstrong
- Ken & Chow Taylor
- Kathryn Thompson
- Cathie Ulmer
- Jeannie Woodring & George Matz
- Toby Wheeler
- Randy Wiest
- Lori & Tom Zitzmann
- Your gift costs you nothing now. You retain control of your assets during your lifetime.
- You include the Homer Foundation in your estate plan as a bequest; we can help you and your professional advisor through this process. Your planned giving can be:
- A bequest in a will or trust
- Life Income Gifts such as a charitable gift annuity or remainder trust
- Real Estate
- Your charitable gift may be eligible for a tax credit for estate tax purposes.
- We work with you to determine how to utilize your bequest with the following options:
- Unrestricted funds
- Set up a new fund in your chosen name
- Including designating which areas of interest to use your gift
- Pass through to charitable purposes within the community
Click here to view some sample language to use in your planned giving.