We regret to announce we have chosen to cancel Halibut Cove Live for the 2020 season. We were so looking forward to seeing all of you in July, but without a crystal ball to see into the future, we have had to make the decision based on the current outlook and health standards. We were hoping the COVID-19 pandemic would not affect our summers here in Alaska, but with health standards of maintaining a 6 ft distance from non-household members, Halibut Cove Live is not feasible; our event location just does not have the capacity to allow this to occur. At this time, there is no indication these standards will change by the time of the event. We have decided to cancel this event in order to keep you and our communities healthy and safe. It is our intent to resume Halibut Cove Live next year, in the summer of 2021.
The Homer Foundation staff are here for you to answer any questions you might have about this event. Reach them at info@homerfoundation.org or 907-235-0541.
Mike Miller, Executive Director