As a donor, do you like the rewarding feeling of responding to the community’s most urgent needs? Have you ever daydreamed about creating an individual or family charitable legacy at the Homer Foundation? The new Community Cares Fund (CCF) may be just what you are looking for.

You can get started today with a CCF investment of just $5,000 – and even less! For the first 10 donors to the fund, just $2,500 gets your CCF rolling thanks to a generous 1:1 match from the Homer Foundation Board. From here, you can begin to build your legacy.

Next, give your fund a name. It might be a family name, a clever name, or any name that is meaningful to you. You may also remain anonymous. Either way, your direct investment in your CCF is never touched. It is pooled with other CCFs and invested to grow into the future under the management of the Vanguard Group, Inc., an American registered investment advisor, overseen locally by the Homer Foundation Finance Committee.  

As the return on your CCF grows, it is invested back into the community through grants awarded under the guidance of the Community Grants Committee. This group evaluates incoming grant proposals to determine the most urgent community needs and greatest opportunities for impact.

Add investment to your CCF over time, at your own pace, and enjoy that rewarding feeling of building your legacy while helping to support the community today.  

Current Community CARES Funds

  • CALM Fund
  • H&H Smile Fund